Have you ever wondered how some people can write the most captivating Instagram captions that always stay on brand? Like, if we are all posting 5-7 times a week, how are we supposed to come up with a creative caption every single time? I’m not a writer. I didn’t got to school for this. Yet, I also don’t want to sound boring or to be ignored. Well, then you’ve come to the write place. Here I will show you 3 things that will help you learn how to write interesting instagram captions every single day. Let’s dive in!
Throw up on paper!
Throw up on paper?! Well, that’s kinda gross Gabe. What the hell does that mean? To put it simply, stop thinking. Literally, just right the words that are popping into your head. You do not have to try! You see a photo, and you automatically have thoughts about it. This is a first draft people! It’s not the final copy. If you are a verbal processor, this should be easy for you. But if you are like me and you process things internally, it might be a little more difficult. If you have trouble communicating your thoughts, just remember, you are the only one reading the first draft. You can change whatever you want after you have vomited your words all over a word document. You are not putting these words out there yet! You will be amazed to see how relevant and interesting your thoughts actually are if you JUST WRITE THEM DOWN! I would not be capable of writing blog posts like this one if I did not follow this tip! So what did we learn here? Word vomiting is good. Food vomiting is bad.

Go back to 3rd grade.
Yes, let’s literally go back to 3rd grade. You remember all of those things our teachers taught us about writing reports and organizing paragraphs and yada yada yada. I mean, I’ll be honest… I don’t remember much. But what I do remember is the 5 W’s and an H! Catch phrase is silly but it obviously helped me remember it. Writing doesn’t have to be complicated. It can be so simple but our stubborn brains make us think that we have to be uber smart and like writing gods in order to have anything interesting to say. This is just not the case. We are so stubborn, in fact, that we purposefully do not use the methods we learned in our elementary education because we believe that knowledge was for kids. But guess what? ADULTS USE IT TOO! Are you an adult? I thought so. When you are looking at a photo you want to post to instagram or you’re trying to write your about me page for your website, ask yourself these simple questions. Who? What? Where? When? Why? How? I bet you are already hatching up a million ideas! And do you know why? Because it is THAT simple.

Read it out loud.
Why should you read your writing out loud? Because you don’t want to sound like anyone else. You want to sound like YOU. Reading out loud helps me correctly communicate my tone of voice and intentions with what I am posting. I ask myself questions like: Would I actually say this? How would I say this? What characters or emojis can help me express myself more clearly? Get it??? If your goal is to make your brand personal to who you are, then don’t say things just cause they are trendy. That’s not you! You are unique and people want to know how. So don’t EVER say anything that doesn’t feel like you.

It’s funny because I would never ever call myself a writer. But I get SO many compliments on the copy of my website and how easy it is for people to know exactly what my personality is just by reading my words. So I asked myself why that was the case and honestly it’s because I don’t ever try to be perfect. I am an imperfect human. I run an imperfect business. I show up exactly as I am and people find me relatable. They trust me because they see that I am exactly who I say I am. There are no secrets. Nothing I put out there is a lie. I communicate life as it is and people appreciate it. So what is your biggest take away here? Your business is a part of you and you are the biggest part of your business. If you want your business to represent who you are, then you shouldn’t have to try so hard. Treat your platform like your friend. Start there. That’s how to write some pretty captivating Instagram captions.
If this article was helpful for you, go and read my post on “5 Things Your Clients Wish You Would Do During Their Shoot.”